Results for 'R. Moreira Xavier'

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  1. On Kant's first insight into the problem of space dimensionality and its physical foundations.F. Caruso & R. Moreira Xavier - 2015 - Kant Studien 106 (4):547–560.
    In this article it is shown that a careful analysis of Kant 's Gedanken von der wahren Schätzung der lebendigen Kräfte und Beurtheilung der Beweise leads to a conclusion that does not match the usually accepted interpretation of Kant 's reasoning in 1747, according to which the young Kant supposedly establishes a relationship between the tridimensionality of space and Newton's law of gravitation. Indeed, it is argued that this text does not yield a satisfactory explanation of space dimensionality, and actually (...)
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  2. Sull'influenza di Cartesio, Leibniz e Newton nel primo approccio di Kant al problema dello spazio e della sua dimensionalita.Francisco Caruso & R. Moreira Xavier - 1998 - Epistemologia 21 (2):211-224.
    L'idea di relazionare la dimensionalità dello spazio ad una legge fisica, contenuta nel primo scritto di Kant "Pensieri sulla veridica estima delle forze vive", svela un modo di guardare i rapporti tra Fisica e Matematica così nuovo ed originale che potè essere sviluppato e compreso nella sua plenitudine soltanto nel secolo XX. Ci riferiamo qui ala prospettiva aperta da Ehrenfest nel suo "In what way does it become manifest in the fundamental laws of physics that space has three dimensions?". In (...)
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  3. On the Physical Problem of Spatial Dimensions: An Alternative Procedure to Stability Arguments.Francisco Caruso & Roberto Moreira Xavier - 1987 - Fundamenta Scientiae 8 (1):73-91.
    Why is space 3-dimensional? The fi rst answer to this question, entirely based on Physics, was given by Ehrenfest, in 1917, who showed that the stability requirement for n-dimensional two-body planetary system very strongly constrains space dimensionality, favouring 3-d. This kind of approach will be generically called "stability postulate" throughout this paper and was shown by Tangherlini, in 1963, to be still valid in the framework of general relativity as well as for quantum mechanical hydrogen atom, giving the same constraint (...)
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  4. Causa Efficiens versus Causa Formalis: origens da discussão moderna sobre a dimensionalidade do espaço.Francisco Caruso & Roberto Moreira Xavier - 1994 - Cadernos de História E Filosofia da Ciência (UNICAMP) 4 (2):43-64.
    Metascientific criteria used for explaining or constraining physical space dimensionality and their historical relationship to prevailing causal systems are discussed. The important contributions by Aristotle, Kant and Ehrenfest to the dimensionality of space problem are considered and shown to be grounded on different causal explanations: causa materialis for Aristotle, causa efficiens for young Kant and an ingenious combination of causa efficiens and causa formalis for Ehrenfest. The prominent and growing rôle played by causa formalis in modern physical approaches to this (...)
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  5. Indeterminism versus Causalism.J. R. Croca & R. N. Moreira - 1998 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 56 (1):151-182.
    The present work sets out to discuss in three main steps the roots of the indeterministic paradigm for quantum mechanics as against a causal explanation of reality. The first step is to present the fundamental role played by non-local Fourier analysis in the Copenhagen paradigm. The second is to present wavelet local analysis, a recent formalism that will perhaps allow the development of a new causal paradigm for physics. The third is to present the Heisenberg-Bohr uncertainty relations as a direct (...)
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    Editorial: Women and Entrepreneurship.Brizeida R. Hernandez-Sánchez, Jose Carlos Sánchez-García, Radha R. Sharma & Antonio Carrizo Moreira - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
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    Towards ontology-driven situation-aware disaster management.João L. R. Moreira, Luís Ferreira Pires, Marten van Sinderen & Patricia Dockhorn Costa - 2015 - Applied ontology 10 (3-4):339-353.
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    Opposite size illusions for inverted faces and letters.Eamonn Walsh, Carolina Moreira & Matthew R. Longo - 2024 - Cognition 245 (C):105733.
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    The microbiome biosphere as an artistic resource.Patrícia R. Moreira - 2019 - Technoetic Arts 17 (1):71-77.
    The microbiome has become one of the most recognizable research subjects and presences in the headlines of news and scientific articles published in almost every biological science area in the last few years. The steady decline in the price of DNA sequencing has enabled metagenomics, community analysis and genome sequencing to enter routine research in microbiology and biotechnology laboratories all around the world. The already open access to national and international databases that include nucleotide (including full genomes) and protein sequences (...)
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    On Kant’s First Insight into the Problem of Space Dimensionality and its Physical Foundations.Francisco Caruso & Roberto Moreira Xavier - 2015 - Kant Studien 106 (4):547-560.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Kant-Studien Jahrgang: 106 Heft: 4 Seiten: 547-560.
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    Proposed Experiments to Clarify the Real Nature of the Quantum Waves.R. N. Moreira, M. Gatta, P. Castro & J. R. Croca - 2022 - Foundations of Physics 53 (1):1-17.
    The nature of quantum waves, whether they are real physical waves or, on the contrary, mere probability waves, has been a very controversial theme since the beginning of quantum theory. Here we present some possible experiments that may clarify the problem.
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  12. Chapter nineteen k».Nigel R. Franks, Anna Dornhaus, James Ar Marshall & Francois-Xavier Dechaume Moncharmont - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell, Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard.
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    Festschrift für Xavier Tilliette anlässlich der Verleihung der Humboldt-Medaille durch das Institut für Philosophie der Humboldt-Universität.Xavier Tilliette & Elke Hahn (eds.) - 2006 - Berlin: Total-Verl..
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    Promoting Success and Persistence in Pandemic Times: An Experience With First-Year Students.Joana R. Casanova, Alexandra Gomes, Maria Alfredo Moreira & Leandro S. Almeida - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The transition and adaptation of students to higher education involve a wide range of challenges that justify some institutional practices promoting skills that enable students to increase their autonomy and to face the difficulties experienced. The requirements for this adaptation were particularly aggravated by the containment and sanitary conditions associated with coronavirus disease 2019. With the aim of promoting academic success and preventing dropout in the first year, a support program was implemented for students enrolled in two courses in the (...)
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    Food system perspective on fisheries and aquaculture development in Asia. [REVIEW]Xavier Tezzo, Simon R. Bush, Peter Oosterveer & Ben Belton - 2020 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):73-90.
    This paper reviews development research and policies on freshwater fish in South and Southeast Asia. We conduct a systematic review of academic literature from three major science-based policy institutions to analyze development research and policies that have accompanied the ongoing transition from freshwater capture fisheries to aquaculture in the region. Using a ‘food fish system’ framework allows for the identification and systematic comparison of assumptions underpinning dominant development policies. We analyze the interrelations between the production, provisioning, and consumption of wild (...)
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  16. Characterizing variation in the functional connectome: promise and pitfalls.Clare Kelly, Bharat B. Biswal, R. Cameron Craddock, F. Xavier Castellanos & Michael P. Milham - 2012 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 16 (3):181-188.
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    Positional Differences in the Most Demanding Scenarios of External Load Variables in Elite Futsal Matches.Jordi Illa, Daniel Fernandez, Xavier Reche & Fabio R. Serpiello - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The aims of this study were to analyze the peak physical demands in elite futsal by quantifying the most demanding scenarios of match play and to identify the differences between playing positions and the seasonal trend for five different rolling average time windows. The most demanding scenarios of external load from distance, speed, acceleration, and deceleration variables were obtained from 14 elite futsal players using a local positioning system during 15 official matches in the premier Spanish Futsal League. The results (...)
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    Possible relation between psychosis and the unconscious: a review of “The Unconscious,” by Freud. [REVIEW]Jacqueline de Oliveira Moreira & Carlos R. Drawin - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  20.  15
    “Red-Green” or “Brown-Green” Dichromats? The Accuracy of Dichromat Basic Color Terms Metacognition Supports Denomination Change.Humberto Moreira, Julio Lillo & Leticia Álvaro - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Two experiments compared “Red-Green” dichromats’ empirical and metacognized capacities to discriminate basic color categories and to use the corresponding basic color terms. A first experiment used a 102-related-colors set for a pointing task to identify all the stimuli that could be named with each BCT by each R-G dichromat type. In a second experiment, a group of R-G dichromats estimated their difficulty discriminating BCCs-BCTs in a verbal task. The strong coincidences between the results derived from the pointing and the verbal (...)
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    Theory and Texts of Educational Policy: Possibilities and Constraints. [REVIEW]Teresa N. R. Gonçalves, Elisabete Xavier Gomes, Mariana Gaio Alves & Nair Rios Azevedo - 2012 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 31 (3):275-288.
    In our paper we aim at reflecting upon the extent to which educational theory may be used as a framework in the analysis of policy documents. As policy texts are ‘heteroglossic in character’ (Lingard and Ozga, in The Routledge Falmer reader in education policy and politics, Routledge, London and New York, 2007 , p. 2) and create “circumstances in which the range of options available in deciding what to do are narrowed or changed” (Ball in, Education policy and social class: (...)
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  22. Count on dopamine: influences of COMT polymorphisms on numerical cognition.Annelise Júlio-Costa, Andressa M. Antunes, Júlia B. Lopes-Silva, Bárbara C. Moreira, Gabrielle S. Vianna, Guilherme Wood, Maria R. S. Carvalho & Vitor G. Haase - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Averroes on Intellect: From Aristotelian Origins to Aquinas's Critique by Stephen R. Ogden (review).Luis Xavier López-Farjeat - 2024 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 62 (4):659-661.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Averroes on Intellect: From Aristotelian Origins to Aquinas’s Critique by Stephen R. OgdenLuis Xavier López-FarjeatStephen R. Ogden. Averroes on Intellect: From Aristotelian Origins to Aquinas’s Critique. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2022. Pp. 296. Hardback, $90.00.Stephen Ogden’s book is a remarkable contribution to one of the most controversial topics within the tradition of interpreters of Aristotle’s De anima. As is well known, Aristotle defines the intellect (nous) as (...)
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    C. Y. Read, R. C. Green, and M. A. Smyer (eds): Aging, Biotechnology and the Future. [REVIEW]Tiago Moreira - 2009 - Medicine Studies 1 (3):305-306.
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  25. Xavier Loinaz: Banking Mentor.Aurelio R. Montinola - 2010 - Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 14 (2):161-163.
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    Análise epistemológica da produção do conhecimento em Educação Física da Universidade do Estado do Pará em Altamira/PA.Laine Rocha Moreira, Luiz Felipe dos Santos & Peterson de Castro Pereira - 2021 - Filosofia E Educação 12 (3).
    Trata-se de uma pesquisa de natureza bibliográfica, com abordagem quanti-qualitativa, de caráter descritivo-exploratório que objetiva analisar a produção do conhecimento do Curso de Educação Física da Universidade do Estado do Pará em Altamira, no período de 2011-2018. Os achados apontam uma evolução do modo de produzir conhecimento, pois constatou-se uma redução dos vazios analíticos presentes nas pesquisas analisadas. Conclui que há um aumento no rigor cientifico presente nas produções devido uma maior utilização de técnicas, metodologias e teorias consistentes para a (...)
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    Buddhisms and Deconstructions (review).Francis Xavier Clooney - 2007 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 27 (1):182-187.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Buddhisms and DeconstructionsFrancis X. Clooney, SJBuddhisms and Deconstructions. Edited by Jin Y. Park, with an afterword by Robert Magliola. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc., 2006. Pp. xxii + 290.Buddhisms and Deconstructions originated in a panel on "Buddhism, Deconstruction, and the Works of Robert Magliola" at the twenty-second annual convention [End Page 182] of the International Association for Philosophy and Literature. Half its essays began as conference (...)
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  28. The'Revue de metaphysique et de morale'and war. Previously unpublished letters from Emile Durkheim to Xavier Leon-Italian, French.G. DePaola & R. Ragghianti - 1996 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 16 (2):223-265.
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  29. El logos nominal constructo en el pensamiento de Xavier Zubiri.R. Espinoza - 2000 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 3:2001.
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    Dynamic Structure of Reality.Nelson R. Orringer - 2003 - University of Illinois Press.
    Dynamic Structure of Reality makes available in English some of the most mature thought of the modern Spanish philosopher Xavier Zubiri. He first presented this material as a set of 1968 public lectures in Madrid. They were collected, edited, and published in 1989 as Estructura dinámica de la realidad. In 1962 Zubiri had published Sobre la esencia, a work of metaphysics that was praised by critics with one qualification: its treatment of reality was too static. The 1968 course was (...)
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    Rahner beyond the Pyrenees: Response to Lassalle-Klein.Ann R. Riggs - 2013 - Philosophy and Theology 25 (2):301-309.
    Robert Lassalle-Klein’s paper has provided an examination of how Ignatio Ellacuría, working with philosopher Xavier Zubiri, both used and criticized some of Karl Rahner’s key ideas for the purpose of finding a philosophical framework for working out Ellacuría’s own theological vision, rooted in his experiences as a Spanish Jesuit serving in Latin America. While the technical work in this adaptation receives some commentary here, most of my remarks are observations about the impact of this work on Rahner scholarship more (...)
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    What FarmVille can teach us about cooperative workflows and architectures.Sabine Cikic & Julian R. Kücklich - 2011 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 41 (2):18-31.
    An earlier version of this paper was presented at the 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Technology and Society at Saint Xavier University in Chicago, Illinois. Perhaps the most remarkable characteristic of digital social games such as Zynga's FarmVille is that they are designed in such a way that any user, regardless of their skills and experience, can familiarise themselves in a matter of moments with the object of the game, the interface, and the tools and options involved in playing (...)
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    Xavier Zubiri. Dynamic structure of reality. Trans. Nelson R. orringer. Urbana and chicago: U of illinois p, 2003.Andrés Lema-Hincapié - 2005 - Ideas Y Valores 54 (128):127-128.
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  34. Lazcano, R.: "Panorama bibliográfico de Xavier Zubiri". [REVIEW]Ana Marta González - 1995 - Anuario Filosófico 28 (1):170.
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    Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader.Mario O. D'Souza & Jonathan R. Seiling (eds.) - 2014 - Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    The work of the lay Catholic philosopher Jacques Maritain continues to provoke and inspire readers to engage in a Thomistic approach to many of the questions facing the world today. Maritain’s wide-ranging thought touched on many fields, including aesthetics, anthropology, educational theory, moral philosophy, and ethics, as well as Thomism and its relationship to other philosophical stances._ In _Being in the World: A Quotable Maritain Reader_, Mario O. D’Souza, C.S.B., has selected seven hundred and fifty of the most salient quotations (...)
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    Michael Freeman, Victorians and the prehistoric: Tracks to a lost world. New Haven and London: Yale university press, 2004. Pp. X+310. Isbn: 0-300-10334-4. £25.00 . Jan T. kozák, Victor S. Moreira and David R. Oldroyd, iconography of the 1755 lisbon earthquake. Prague: Geophysical institute of the academy of sciences of the czech republic and academia, the publisher of the academy of sciences of the czech republic, 2005. Pp. 84. isbn: 80-239-4390-1 , 80-200-1322-9 . No price given. [REVIEW]Jack Morrell - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Science 40 (2):295-295.
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    El poder de lo real en Xavier Zubiri y su lectura de los padres griegos.Juan José García - 2002 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 4:19-66.
    The “power of the real”, which Zubiri conceptualized in the final period of his philosophy, is “inspired” in the creation concept of the Greek Fathers, according to Zubiri’sexposition of Greek Patristics in “Supernatural Being: God and Deification in Pauline Theology”. In addition, Zubiri makes that concept his own in a course on Christianity, published posthumously. That inspiration can be detected when Zubiri radicalizes his philosophical approach. This implies purifying his philosophy of elements from Latin theology,whose notions he contrasts with those (...)
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  38.  33
    Analytic Philosophy in Portugal.António Zilhão (ed.) - 1999 - Rodopi.
    Inhaltsverzeichnis/Table of Contents:IntroductionAntónio ZILHÃO: Folk-Psychology, Rationality and Human ActionJoão BRANQUINHO: The Problem of Cognitive DynamicsJ.P. MONTEIRO: Hume, Induction and Single ExperimentsMarco RUFFINO: The Primacy of Concepts and the Priority of Judgments in Frege's LogicJoão Vergílio Gallerani CUTER: Die unanwendbare Arithmetik des TractatusSílvio PINTO: Wittgenstein's Anti-PlatonismFernando FERREIRA: A Substitutional Framework for Arithmetical ValidityJ.R. CROCA & R.N. MOREIRA: Indeterminism Versus CausalismLuíz MONIZ PEREIRA: The Logical Impingement of Artifical Intelligence.
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    Hermeneutika és demokrácia: tanulmányok Fehér M. István tiszteletére.M. István Fehér & Miklós Nyírő (eds.) - 2017 - Budapest: MTA-ELTE Hermeneutika Kutatócsoport.
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    Tro mod tro: samtaler om tvivl, rødder og de 72 jomfruer.Kathrine Lilleør - 2007 - København: People's Press. Edited by Naser Khader, Dorte Kvist & Ivar Carstensen.
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    The tradition of Advaita: essays in honour of Bhāṣyabhāvajña V.R. Kalyāṇasundara Śāstrī.R. Balasubramanian (ed.) - 1994 - New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal Publishers.
    Festschrift honoring Kalyāṇasundaraśāstrī; comprises articles on Advaita in Hindu philosophy.
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    Cultural alterity and acknowladgement a research project on the plural societies of the mediterranean.Francesc-Xavier Marin & Àngel-Jesús Navarro - 2011 - Ramon Llull Journal of Applied Ethics 2 (2):213-234.
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  43. La philosophie chrétienne: une correspondance d'Étienne Gilson et du Père Deman.François-Xavier Putallaz & Bernard Hodel - 2012 - Nova et Vetera 87 (4):469-489.
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    Kant no Século XXI.Keberson Bresolin & Carolina Moreira Paulsen - 2024 - Princípios 31 (64).
    O presente artigo busca expor, sucintamente, o direito cosmopolita kantiano como um princípio aplicável à situação dos refugiados no mundo atual. Para isso, primeiro será exposto o conceito de direito cosmopolita na obra À Paz Perpétua (1795), de Kant. Em um segundo momento, será abordada a formação do pensamento cosmopolita kantiano, como uma ideia oposta ao egoísmo, na sua cidade natal de Königsberg. Por fim, apresentaremos uma história de refúgio do mundo atual e a cotejaremos com o princípio de hospitalidade (...)
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    The Husserliana as a Phenomenon. Apunts per a una història de la figurativitat: Husserl, Heidegger i Marion.Xavier Bassas Vila - 2014 - Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4:39.
    In this paper we state that, up to now, scholars have read the Husserliana—that is Husserl’s official texts—only partially. This statement must be considered within the History of phenomenology and, more precisely, with-in the history of Husserlian studies: from Heidegger to Jean-Luc Marion, including Levinas, Ingarden, Sartre, Merleau-Ponty and so on, Husserl’s texts have been read only partially. With the exception of some analysis proposed by Derrida—or, nowadays, by Natalie Depraz or Elianne Escoubas—, and as far as I know, all (...)
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    Filosofia e politica.Xavier Rubert de Ventos - 1984 - Barcelona: Península.
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  47. Pour saint Thomas et les Thomistes et contre le R. P. Stufler, S. J. -.R. Martin - 1926 - Revue Thomiste 31 (37):73.
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  48. The Social Message of the Jubilee.Francis Xavier Nguyen Archbishop van Thuan - 2000 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 3 (1).
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    Esthétique et cognition.Jean-Marc Chouvel & Xavier Hascher (eds.) - 2013 - Paris: Publications de la Sorbonne.
    Un nombre considérable d'études ont été consacrées ces dernières années à la cognition musicale. Elles ont trop souvent occulté la réflexion que la philosophie, l'esthétique, la psychologie ou la psychanalyse avaient déjà consacré à la question du rapport à l'oeuvre, à la manière dont nous prenons conscience d'elle, dont nous la pensons ou dont nous sommes pensés par elle. Cet ouvrage se propose d'instaurer un dialogue entre les différents aspects de la réflexion sur la réception de l'art. Ceci est d'autant (...)
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  50. Education Automation Freeing the Scholar to Return to His Studies /by R. Buckminster Fuller ; Foreword by Charles D. Tenney.R. Buckminster Fuller - 1971 - Anchor Books.
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